
sommelierの皆さまへ コンクールのお知らせ

【ポメリー・ソムリエコンクール 2017開催決定!】

これまで多くの一流ソムリエを輩出してきた「ポメリー スカラシップ ソムリエコンテスト」、「キュヴェ・ルイーズ・ポメリー ソムリエ コンテスト」が幕を下ろしてから9年。


“Pommery Scholarship Sommelier Contest” and “Cuvee Louise Sommelier Contest” are known to be the contest field of many top sommeliers in Japan, and there were lots of voices wishing for its resurrection.
After 9 years of absence, a new contest specialized in champagne and sparkling wine is to reborn as "Pommery Sommelier Concours", and will be held in the autumn of 2017.
We are glad to support the further growth of sommeliers in Japan, so as to raise awareness about the charm of Champagne and aim to its further development in the food and wine culture.
We are waiting for the application of every sommelier willing to open up to a future with many opportunities!
